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Lotus Flower and more and more... Samsam en Inde

Lotus flower, symbol of eternity and good fortune

The day a new adventure saw its beginnings, I decided to write my experience in Color Land, day by day, just to log what strikes me the most.

Day one, I created a new blog and named it Samsam en Inde, inspired by the one and only Tintin, "Tintin au Tibet" in particular. It wasn't long before I realized that it is very challenging, here in Color Land, to state accurately all features and aspects of life, as it turns out that every single detail, day in day out, is a subject matter by itself.

Shortly after, those little details became overwhelming and confusing to the point where it was hard to decide what to talk about and what to discard. I might also add that no new adventure is easy to come into existence, no matter how colorful and rich it is.

Adventures are abundant in emotional struggles, physical adjustments but mostly great pleasure and gaiety.

Five months into the adventure, I realized that time is flying by and I am not logging this series of  unique observations. I did not see the need of seperating my blogs so Samsam en Inde merged with my favorite Eclectic Art Moments and suddenly I feel like writing again. I feel like painting again.

I chose to start  with a happy theme, a vivid and spiritual aspect of daily life here in India: FLOWERS

At this point, I leave you with the pictures that I took in Koyambedu Market, starting with the beautiful lotus flower, symbol of eternity and good fortune for the people of Color Land.

Roses, marygolds,jasmins, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple and more and more...

Flowers add charm and grace to happy occasions

Flowers by the kilo


Hand cut and  prepared one by one

Women at work, making flower necklaces and ornaments

 You see women working with flowers in the flower
market , as well as all over the city's streets. Oh and doggy is just escaping the burning sun.

Women finish up their pony tails with a string of jasmins


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