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Heart of Gold staying still

I was very happy to get a few intensily good and colorful suggestions for a name to my untitled painting. I am  always amazed by how each one of us sees the same thing with a different eye and meaning. This is art after all, open to all kind of interpretations. Thank you for being part of this impromptu idea and thank you for being part of my life.
Here is a mix of  funny, serious and profound ones:

Tourbillon  (Diana and Rania)
Tunnel vision (Whitney)
Eggs over easy (Fadi)
Spiral of life (Gulli)
Sunny side up (Gunilla)
Turmoil with a heart of gold (Paula)
One beautiful eye (Michelle)
Mélancolie (Nayla)
Staying centered in the middle of the storm 
Space dust 
Eye of the storm (Paula)

"Heart of Gold staying still" is the one you inspired.


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