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Rustbelt Market

Eclectic Art Moments and Fairies Hands original work

Claire Moore from Gunder Goods
Stephany Dickey's hats

Freedom Underground

It's ten after six. I'm still sitting at the Rustbelt Market and don't know how the day went by so fast. It may be  Freedom Underground playing their live jazz music (a must add to my music blog as it falls into my Beat, rythm and melody category), the chocolate I bought from Pete, or just being surrounded by so many talented artists and talking to all kind of interesting people.It might also be friends and family that stopped by and said hi.

Whenever I had the chance to walk around the market, I tried all of Stephany's hats, smelled soaps and creams and bought Claire's home made jam. Both Claire and her husband Jon own Gunder Goods and make their product in the heart of their home kitchen.
In the morning I talked to her but was not in a mood to taste sweets. I stopped again late afternoon and had a sample of carrot jam. The taste of clove and nutmeg immediately works its magic on the palate. A must have on a toasted baguette or even spread on crêpes.
It is truly impossible to reflect on all the art that was in display, from woodwork to clothing, painting, photography and ...

I  loved the way Fairies hands and I set our display. It was easily accessible to visitors and gave us a work area to be able to focus on all that we had to prepare for the week.

I would love to be part of the Rustbelt Market as many weekends as possible  but I don't have the luxury of extra free  time. I will definitely consider going back and being again part of this talented community in December.


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